Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summertime work...

Summertime is always interesting as a grad student. I am still expected to do research...and of course, if i want to graduate anytime in the near future..i must continue to work on my dissertation. But in my case, I am supported by a research grant that is completely separate from my dissertation research. I am part of a government grant to help test the impact on different algorithms/methods, resolution and surface terrain type on feature extraction. Summer will be busy with several week long conferences and some personal travel as well. I have been sitting in on working groups and all hands meetings to discuss new research and update the grant providing agency with research updates. Of course we have been going non stop and I am exhausted! but they did feed us. So i have to go back and actually do the research I presented, but at the same time i have to find time to work on my own research as well. One of the groups this week was thought to be the brain trust of the generalization and integration industry.

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