Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a way to start the year...

New years was great...had a good time. The quarter started and then i left for a really good conference at GaTech. It was a Minority Faculty Development Workshop and i encourage all aspiring faculty, post docs and Jr professors to attend something similar. I stayed out on the east coast to go see my mom and fam...but i didn't do any work. I tried to get my mind in the research mode for these upcoming weeks.

So my research money has not arrived yet. Well that just means i have to pay tuition and fees out of my own pocket. I have to return my alternative free parking meter because i am no longer employed. All of this is because the grant that is paying me is on a "continued resolution" in congress before fund can be released. Well..i had taken out a student loan to pay off some bills so i wouldn't have to keep robbing peter to pay paul...but before i could do that, the university took out their cut...which was tuition and fees (which is out of my own pocket now with interest). So i stopped working on that research project for now.

While on hiatus, I can focus on my Phd Research and preparing for my qualifying exams. Once a PhD candidate, the cost of tuition and fees goes down, which makes everyone happy. hopefully i can do that before the next quarter starts. So in the meantime, i will be reading, writing and pretty much studying for this exam. I picked up the copy of past PhD exam questions...

Hopefully i can sift thru the questions to help me understanding what i need to be reading up on. Remember the list below? In addition, I have to write my research proposal. I will have a draft ready by Friday 2/6.